March poster is done

The poster for March 2015 is, as always, 50×70cm in size (approx 20×28in), printed 2 colours on 160gsm Meta­Pa­per Rough. It is the second run of our most popular motive, albeit this time set in a different typeface. We just got this chunky Block Heavy in 16 cicero and welcomed the opportunity to try it out. It prints almost too perfectly for wood type. Doesn’t need much pressure, but a lot of ink. Weight has its price.


There are 50 prints of each poster, num­bered and signed by Erik Spiek­er­mann. We ship every­where and you can pay by Pay­Pal. Price is the same in these cur­rencies: £, $, €; always 98, includ­ing tax (where applic­a­ble) and ship­ping, wrapped in a solid card­board tube.

Orders with shipping address please to We’ve been promising a proper shopping basket for this site for a while and hope to get it done before the next poster gets printed.


  1. Hows it work? – I think I’m understanding that each poster is set in the typeface assigned to the day of the week – the face telling us what day of the week it is – but what about the day if the month – date?

    1. erik

      That will come from your smartphone. If it had dates, the calendar would not be eternal.

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