Category Archives: writings | texte

How we work

The new website for Edenspiekermann is up. A lot of the projects are fairly mainstream and a lot of the copy sounds rather “corporate” to me. That is the result of having to agree on every sentence between nine partners and 100 colleagues. My personal take is represented by the text I wrote about the HOW.

We run our business by sharing responsibility among nine partners. Each of us run project teams. We do not take money from faceless networks and don’t have to be accountable to their controllers. We alone decide who we work for and how we organize ourselves. And we put our money where our mouths are: we are shareholders and interested in the long view.
Most design consultancies or branding agencies (pick your own name) offer pretty much the same type of work. It is how they go about their work that makes the difference. It is a question of attitude, personality, even morals.

The current crisis is also a crisis of values: are people accountable for what they do? Is success rewarded with fat premiums but failure paid for by society? Can we carry on asking for growth as the only way forward? Do we need new values?

Even designers are not only judged by the visible results of their work, but more and more so by how they achieved them. Originality, personality, accountability are new buzzwords. Attitude is more interesting than cleverness.

Brands are successful when they when they are authentic, when they show attitude. They show how they make products, how they treat their people, how they look at the future. Cheap stuff – the What – will still be made in China and elsewhere. Complex processes – the How – are designed here.

Achtung Spiekermann!

Achtung! is the title of my monthly column in Blueprint magazine that I have been writing since October 2008. That headline has to do with the Brits’ continuing stereotyping of us Germans as heel-clicking, orders-shouting men in jackboots. I have long since learned that the best way to live with that preoccupation is to go along with it, even bring it up before they do. So when the editors came up with the title, I rolled my eyes but agreed. This was written in September, before the size of the financial crisis became to be fully known. My condemnation of people producing “invisible earnings” could have been much harsher.

THESE DAYS, even cities and countries are branded like washing powder. When I hear a line like ‘London is the creative capital of Europe,’ (or was it ‘the World’?), the first thing I ask myself is whether this is the result of objective research, a tabloid invention or another government campaign to take peoples’ minds off increasing inflation, prohibitive property prices, terrible traffic and weird weather. Yet there is some truth behind the slogan. I live and work in Berlin, San Francisco and London, and there is something different about the British capital.

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Mr. Univers

adrian80.jpgOn May 24th Adrian Frutiger celebrated his 80th birthday. To mark the occasion I wrote a short piece for the Swiss magazine Hochparterre. At the time, this blog was not very active and I only got the German version published. In the meantime, my son, Dylan, has translated the article into English.

Adrian Frutiger: Mr. Univers
When you get to a certain age, like myself, you often gets asked who your influences were and are. An easy response is to name nationally or internationally renowned favourites such as Gandhi or Albert Schweitzer. Ones own parents tend to score high on the list, at least if they’re still living and able to read the accolades. As far as I’m concerned my choice has been a simple one for over 30 years: I first met Adrian Frutiger in 1976, and to this day he remains my idol.

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Not the complete story of my life.

These are not extensive listings of all my achievements and failings, nor the complete story of my life (who would want to know?). Just the sort of cv people need to publish for events and publications.
There are two versions; a very short one in German and a short one in English.
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More from my column in form, the German design magazine.

Pitched out
A pitch is the presentation of design ideas to a client by competing agencies or studios.
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More from my monthly column in form, the German design magazine.

Logos to go.

Who needs graphic designers when you can just get logos online for a few dollars?

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From my monthly column in form. The German design magazine.
Of Chief Pencil Sharpeners and Senior Meeting Conveners.

About meaningless titles and unnecessary hierarchies

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